02 dec

Enter seal number via Portbase

Published: 02-12-2016 15:03
Last changed: 02-12-2016 15:03

As already announced, from 1 December 2016 the seal number for full export containers will have to be entered in the pre-announcement via the Service Road Planning of Portbase. Entering the seal number in the gate process at the RWG terminal is no longer possible. For tank containers the code ‘TANK’ will have to be entered in the Service Road Planning of Portbase and for flat racks the code ‘FLAT’. With this measure, the lead time of the RWG gate process will be shortened and the truck flow will be further optimized. Moreover, with this measure RWG is able to align the process regarding the pre-notification of the seal number for all modalities. For questions regarding the gate process you can contact the department Data Control & Gate via phone number +31 (0)10-7422150 or email address [email protected].